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Showing posts from 2017

13 days, Refocus and Chant Your Mantra!

13 Days until the adventure a lifetime and a year has prepared me for and I humbly decide that the focus must shift towards August 20, 2017. So I do all the social media posts for my job and this is what I planned a month in advance for today.... how ironic. I wake up this morning in a not so pleasant way, but decide anyway, that today is the day I get up and look only ahead to the race to come. That first begins with acknowledging all the success this season has brought already, but letting those fade (for now) and focus on the new beast to come. Williamsburg was such a good race for me. Even with the overheating I had a great race and a great win and PR, but that is irrelevant for the days to come. I must focus only on August 20, 2017. I told myself I was wearing the bracelet until they replaced it with my new bracelet, but it is time to refocus, prepare, and celebrate this new opportunity. I am reading quite an amazing book, Furiosly Happy by Jenny Lawson....

What Does an Ironman Look Like?

2.4 mile swim. 112 mile bike. 26.2 mile run. What is the first body type, weight, or idea of what an "ironman" should look like to you? Throw it away. A. Body dismorphia is REAL! B. Beautiful women are being "fat shamed" because they aren't a size 6 or less. C. What my 170lb body can do is AMAZING and just because I don't fit in the category of what an "ironman" is suppose to look like doesn't mean I won't become one! My definition of what an Ironman looks like consists of 102 miles of training in the pouring down rain while laughing and singing. My definition of what an Ironman looks like is eating healthier than you have in your whole life, watching your body retaliate against you, and still getting up to train strong every morning. My definition of what an Ironman looks like is using your life circumstances as fuel to finish something that is way bigger than yourself or your circumstances. Why do we give ourselves these p...

July 26------- 25 days to IronDistance meltdown

KEEPING IT REAL I am so tired. This is a level of tired I have never experienced before. I hurt from my head to my toes. Even my face hurts! What the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I start out the morning by posting in a couple of my support groups seeking the - this is normal - affirmation. Not normal, normal but normal training for an IronDistance race and in peak normal. The biggest response I got was EAT SOMETHING!!! Everyone that knows me knows I have food issues. From 225# (2010) to a now 151# (with a bunch of up and downs in between). I watch everything that enters my mouth and log it in MFP. I try to keep my macros on plan. I have been doing this even on training days. BUT this past weekend we had a 5.5 hour bike followed the next day by a 2.5 hour run and a 1.5 hour swim. I fueled the actual workouts well but where I under fueled was AFTER. There were a lot of people at my house. They were working on my Mother in Law's deck. She was supposed to cook for them. Well that...

P's View: Williamsburg Sprint 7/8/17

Crap, has it really been 10 days already since this race! My blog posting skills have been failing along with my reading, studying, or getting anything that doesn't include swimming, biking, running, weights, work, or a foam roller (which is also lacking). With all that said, here is my race report and thoughts on the Williamsburg Sprint Triathlon. 4:30 AM: BEEP BEEP BEEP! 4:35AM: BEEP BEEP BEEEP! Okay, okay, I'm up. Hey, nothing hurts, I feel good, I hope I feel this good tomorrow, this is the best I have felt in weeks! Okay, now let's get dressed. 5:00 AM: "Mom, we really don't need breakfast for a sprint right? We are taking it "light" anyways and I'm not hungry." Cashew butter at the starting line will suffice I think. I do need something but this is not suppose to be a race for me, just a warm up and run through for tomorrow. 5:25AM: WALKING from OUR CAMPER to the staring line (AMAZING) to get set up with Little Triva Dani's help. ...

Valerie -Rev 3 Williamsburg Sprint Tri

SATURDAY!!!!!!!! Sprint Tri!!!!!!!!!! 0.6 mile swim - 15 mile bike - 3.1 mile run 4:30 am alarm Up and at 'em ladies!!! This day would start with a sprint for Priscilla and me followed by a kids Duathlon for Danielle. We all three have to get up and ready. No one traveled with us so I was "Moming"and racing. We get up. Coffee made. Stuff gathered. A few Carolina Country Snacks pork cracklings for breakfast and some bacon.Out the door to transition at 5:15 ish. Walk from camper to transition. This was fabulous being on site camping at the venue! We get set up and head to swim start. This is just a "for fun" or because we are stupid race for us. Rev 3 offered special perks and bling if you were willing to sign up for The Revolution Challenge. Sprint Saturday, Half Sunday. We were IN! Only around 25 people total took this challenge. The Swim - Women first followed by Men 5 min later ( I hate being swam over top of ). We are off. I am spotting by Priscilla. S...

The race to get to the race

Where to START? There are so many parts to Williamsburg Rev 3 I'll start here. Of course truthfully a race adventure starts when you sign up (March for this one). You commit, you start training, you make travel plans, you plan everything (if you are me). We picked Rev 3 Williamsburg because it was close to home (3.5 hrs), the venue and race are held at a campground, and it was 7 weeks prior to our 140.6. My husband and I own a 36 foot 2006 Paradise Point 5th wheel camper. PERFECT.... In October of 2017 we used the camper for wedding guests. During that use a front jack broke. Then my husband didn't winterize the camper. Pipes froze. We thawed them and put in antifreeze but the sink and toilet had leaks. The AC cover and skylight cover had broken from a hail storm. So WE knew there were a couple of items that needed repairs. Four weeks to race day. My mother in law moves in with us. She bought a house 1,000 yards away (MAYBE) but was staying with us until all moved in. My hus...