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Showing posts from February, 2017

Week 5 is GONE!

Training Week #5 has come and gone and I can't help but recognize how extremely FAST time is going already! I participated in an indoor triathlon today. Did better than a month ago when I participated in the same triathlon and ENJOYED my treadmill run! (That is scary in itself but the new lower impact treadmills are a factor) Today's stats: 10 min swim = 550yds 30 min indoor bike = 8.5miles 20 min treadmill run = 1.92 miles  Pretty good times for me, swim is EXCELLENT for me so that was a good booster since I have been boycotting the pool for 2 weeks.  The next thing I decided to do today was to try Aerial Yoga. I have been on a yoga journey for a while, I am quite in love with yoga, I made a pact with myself if I trained for a Full Iron I would make myself yoga at least twice a week to help prevent energy and help with my flexibility and stretching. Well, Aerial Yoga is a whole new world for me. There is nothing like hanging upside down from what looks to be...

My First Post/Training Funnies

I love the idea of us having a blog to share with our family and friends while we are training for this big race! Now it is to put it on my training plan to make it a priority to sit down and blog.  ðŸ˜‚  We started week 5 of the Base Training for the Titanium this week, with a marathon March 25th looming over our heads. Me and mom celebrated the fact, that at least not in this calendar year, we will not have to do any runs longer than 3 hours and 15 minutes once this marathon is complete. This past Saturday I ran 18 miles, and Triva Val and Bike Renee met pme after the first 8 the run the last of it with me (much appreciated). The included photo is how it went for me... It was finished none the less! Started this week out strong and will finish it strong with an indoor tri on Sunday!

LIFE HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You pick a plan. You write the plan down (and in my case write it down 3 times, type it, and post it EVERYWHERE). Then you execute said plan and ................... LIFE HAPPENS!!! Last week was a bit of a set back with only one day (Wednesday) of Sunday - Friday done per the plan. My Dad was placed in the hospital with heart blockages. This was the most challenging of his hospitalizations. Previously his cardiologist (9 times) has been able to stent the blockages and send him home in a couple of days. This time the blockages were on the left side of the heart and heart bypass is preferred. But on day 3 of his hospitalization we find out that is not an option for him so - back to square one as they say. My dad ended up with 3 shiny new stents and is back home! So Saturday it was back to the plan :-)