2 weeks prior to the Divas Half Marathon I began to notice a strange redness during one of my workouts. Then I realized it was hives. The hives were only on my legs and mainly on my knees. I took some Benadryl that night. The next afternoon I had hives again. I went to the pharmacy and got some spray for the uncontrollable itching that you COULD NOT scratch or the result would be a fire like sensation. I also got an allergy medicine I could take during the day. The next day was a long bike. No hives, no hives, no hives, 10 pm HIVES. What the heck????
So I stopped using Voltarin. Still had hives after 3pm everyday. Some days worse than other days. Ugggghhhhhh So Friday I shave, no hives, and get ready for the beach trip (Divas Half Marathon Myrtle Beach). We get to the beach and I changed into pajamas and BAD HIVES. I notice they do not go above mid thigh. I don't shave above mid thigh.... Hummmmm I wonder. Well I didn't shave any all weekend. Got a PR for the Half Marathon. Bought new razors and NO MORE HIVES!!!!!!
Glad that is over with!!!
2 swims in one week! 2 swims in one week! This truly needs celebration since the boycotting of the pool had become out of control and I was convinced drowning was the only option I was going to have when I jumped into the cold Michigan water. The hunger this week has been out of control! I cannot get enough food to feed the monster that my body is trying to create with all this training. Here is the 2nd part of my blog. In orange I wrote Saturday, but Sunday has been much more eventful and calls for its own piece of the post. 3:40am- Alarm #1 3:45am-Alarm #2 I need 5 more minutes 3:50am- Alarm #3 I still need 5 more minutes 3:55am- ok I seriously have to get up 4:25am- I pull out of my driveway and head north bound to run 20-24 miles. Last long run before marathon. 5:02am- Oh s*** I think I have a flat tire 5:03am- I definitely have a flat tire Needless to say, there will be no 20-24 mile run today. I did sit safely on the side of ...
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