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Showing posts from June, 2017

Was that a good idea?

We are 16 days from our "B" race. "B" races are preparatory races where you try to dial in everything just right from clothing to food to hydration etc. before your "A" race which for us will be the Michigan Titanium. Our "B" race is the Rev 3 70.3 in Williamsburg, Virginia on July 9. When we went to sign up for Rev 3 Williamsburg they had a new event this year. They added a sprint race on Saturday, July 8 AND if you signed up for both the sprint on Saturday and the 70.3 on Sunday then you get an extra shirt, an extra medal, and all at an extra special price. They call it the Revolution Challenge. Well we signed up for the Challenge of course. So we will be doing back to back Tri's, a sprint Saturday and a Half Sunday. There are 430 people signed up for the half and out of those there are only 19 crazy people signed up for the Revolution. We are 2 of those 19 crazy people. What the hell do I wear? So as I said the "B" race is to...

UUUUUUggggggghhhhhhh..... Too Old?

6/5 Ever since the Divas Half Marathon Myrtle Beach i have been fighting consistent right knee pain and swelling in the back of my knee. I went to my trusty Orthopedic doctor to see what we could do. He wanted an MRI. I will include an image of the report. I was worried about these results but he said nothing he would go in (surgery) for yet. So the next option was to try Gel injections (Cortisone had been tried before and worked for a couple of years but no longer working on right knee). Hyaluronan injections is the big name. The MRI showed the stage 3 arthritis we knew I was fighting. The Gel injections are to help improve joint lubrication in an attempt to reduce pain and improve range of motion. Ok if you made it through all that medical jargon here's the rest of the story. Tuesday, May 23 I received gel shot #1 right knee and cortisone shot left knee. Right knee felt immediately better. Left knee hurt like Hell (cortisone hurts). No exercise for one day doctors orders. Tu...